Hi! I'm Leo, some rando on the Internet living in Argentina who streams and makes videos on their free time. I focus on video game content, especially JRPGs. I stream and post my VODs to my YouTube channel, while sometimes publishing video essays.

I'm a big fan of videogames published by SEGA, and SQUARE ENIX, and love indie games and fan games. I also adore more niche titles like those by SUDA51 / Grasshopper Manufacture. I grew up with Sonic the Hedgehog, Silent Hill, and the Castlevania series as my main interests (strange combination, I know) which have impacted the things I enjoy. My first gaming consoles were the PlayStation 2, Nintendo DS, and the Nintendo Wii.

Aside from videogames, I could ramble about music for a really long time, especially the more alternative scenes. I love pretty much any sub-genres spawned from Rock or Metal, Industrial being my absolute favorite. I've also been a huge fan of Visual-Kei since I was young. As for myself, I play a little bit of bass guitar!

As far as a bit more about me as a person goes, I was born in the middle of nowhere in USA, but my family quickly moved back to Argentina. Because of this, I was not aware I was half USAmerican until I was 8! I learnt Spanish as my first language, unable to understand a lick of English until I was 8 or 9. Since I moved a lot, videogames really stuck with me.

NOTE: I am Nonbinary, and in English I prefer they/them and he/him. For gendered languages, such as Spanish, any gendered pronouns are okay! For example; ella/él.

A nonbinary gender pride flag stamp. A they them pronouns stamp. An Autism Spectrum stamp. A he him pronouns stamp. A Lesbian pride flag stamp.